Consultancy Packages

An hour can save you a lot of money and help you perfect the project you are thinking of.
See below all the consultancy packages and discover how to get free advice from Salvo Spagna.

SALVO SPAGNA » Consultancy Packages

Free consultancy

15 minutes cost free via Skype

The first 15 minutes of an initial consultation with Salvo Spagna is cost-free and involves a preliminary appraisal designed to allow a decision to be taken on the part of both Salvo Spagna and the client as to whether to proceed or not with further consultation. All fees paid in advance will be refunded in the event that the consultation does not proceed.
For each consultation our guarantee that you will “save at least double what you pay” remains valid, except in cases involving authenticity issues and dispute resolution.

A free 30 minute consultation with Salvo Spagna in his office.

A visit to Salvo Spagna at his office in Milan is an investment. The first 30 minutes minutes of an initial consultation with Salvo Spagna is cost-free and involves a preliminary appraisal designed to allow a decision to be taken on the part of both Salvo Spagna and the client as to whether to proceed or not with further consultation.


All fees paid in advance will be refunded in the event that the consultation does not proceed.
Advice that is more than free, it saves you money!
With the exception of advice provided in connection with the resolution of legal issues, customs and other controversies, a consultation with Salvo Spagna saves you a minimum of twice its cost. The savings become even greater if you consult Salvo Spagna regularly, in which case the value of his advice may well amount to one hundred times his fee.

Not sure whether you need a one-hour consultation just now?

Maybe you do not have any problems which need attention at present, but you would still like to keep in touch.
If so Click here to receive a contact

Special Guarantee

If you do not save at least double what you pay for his advice, Salvo Spagna will refund his fee
You will save between 2 and 100 times the cost of a consultation
How our Guarantee Works: Say your company spends €5000 on a consultation with Salvo Spagna. At the very least this will save you €10,000, plus you will learn how to do business in Made in Italy goods successfully and acquire valuable knowledge which will help you avoid years of costly trial and error.After a one-hour consultation with Salvo Spagna, some of his customers have saved as much as €100,000.A single hour of Salvo Spagna’s time can help you save a significant amount of money and help you perfect that project you have in mind. Are you interested, but do not have a project in mind? Click here to receive a contact

Do you have an immediate problem?

Do you want to evaluate the potential of a work of art?

Buy now an hour of advice. You will then decide whether to buy a complete package. 
1 hour: €990
Skype Consultation

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( Fashion-Food-Furniture)


If you want to receive more information in the luxury sector and more specifically in Fashion, Food and Furniture, enter your details below in the form

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Hai un problema immediato?

Vuoi valutare le potenzialità di un’opera d’arte?

Acquista adesso un ora di consulenza con Salvo Spagna.
Deciderai successivamente se acquistare il pacchetto completo
1 ora: €990
Consulenza tramite Skype

Dopo aver lasciato i tuoi dati sarai indirizzato al pagamento

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Do you have an immediate problem?

Do you want to evaluate the potential of a work of art?

CINA Buy now an hour of advice. You will then decide whether to buy a complete package. 
1 hour: €990
Skype Consultation

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La tua registrazione è andata a buon fine. Controlla la tua casella di posta elettronica. Se entro un paio di ore non ricevi la nostra email, contattaci.


If you wish to receive more information about the services we offer on works of art, enter your details in the form below.

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( Fashion-Food-Lusso)


Se in questo momento non vuoi ricevere un contatto telefonico, ma desideri maggiori informazioni sui servizi FASHION, FOOD e PRODOTTI DI LUSSO via email, inserisci qui sotto il tuo nome e la tua email.

La tua registrazione è andata a buon fine. Controlla la tua casella di posta elettronica. Se entro un paio di ore non ricevi la nostra email, contattaci.

( Fashion-Food-Furniture)


If you want to receive more information in the luxury sector and more specifically in Fashion, Food and Furniture, enter your details below in the form

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