Real cases - Luxury Advisor

Some real cases in the sector of Italian excellence and the development of luxury product markets.

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In all these cases, Salvo Spagna and its consultancy and operating companies have worked to enhance the opportunities of entrepreneurs and institutions, developing hidden opportunities and solving strategic, financial and operational problems.


Customer badly dressed? Mmm, I don’t trust you so much…

An important Korean entrepreneur has long wanted to get in touch with a great Italian brand. He manages to have an appointment. However, the marketing department official who meets him patronized him, giving him little credibility. What was the problem? The Korean entrepreneur presented himself with casual travel clothes, neither elegant nor well-matched. Since in fashion the image often counts more than anything else, this factor, together with the difficulty in conversing in English and the impossibility of speaking Italian, has harmed his professionalism and economic value. The work we did was to renew the entrepreneur’s professional wardrobe with high quality Italian clothes and accessories, also preparing a new company presentation. After that we got an appointment for him with the marketing management of the Italian brand. The meeting was a success and led, within two weeks, to the discussion and signing of a purchase contract and great satisfaction for all the parties involved.


The entrepreneur has already some brands ideas. But they are wrong

Often it happens that the foreign entrepreneur who wants to market Made in Italy brands in his country has inappropriate ideas about which brands to choose. In one case it happened that a Japanese entrepreneur had an idea that could not work: a mix of some luxury brands with low cost brands. Salvo Spagna has made an analysis of the market and has proposed a mix of medium-high range brands with some luxury brands to give prestige to the entire collection. Today the stores of the Japanese entrepreneur are the ones that make the largest sales volumes in its category.


Department store misses the target

A Chinese Department Store had come into contact with an Italian brand that had proposed to its market with little success. It was a sales point in an 80,000 square meter shopping center. Thanks to the contacts of Salvo Spagna, the Department Store managed to get the brands that previously failed to obtain. Salvo Spagna analyzed the problem, determining that the brand was out of target: too cheap for that department store. He suggested a new, less expensive brand, and the department store took off.


He thought he was buying original merchandise…

A chain of stores located in the United States had been importing goods purchased from various trusted suppliers for years. After some time, however, the customer begins to have suspicions and turns to Salvo Spagna, which carries out some checks. The results show that for years one of the suppliers was also delivering counterfeit goods. The unfaithful supplier was replaced. The new supplier is checked by the staff of Salvo Spagna, both for the quality of the goods and for the compliance of all the accompanying documentation. The originality of the goods today is guaranteed by the controls of Salvo Spagna’s staff.


Department store finally enters Italy.

After years of waiting, a Vietnamese department store, thanks to Salvo Spagna, manages to conclude very interesting agreements with Made in Italy accessories manufacturers. Thanks to these agreements, the department store manages to complete its range of products in a very prestigious way, managing to gain market share in its country.


Improved franchise agreement with protection clauses.

A European importer wanted to conclude a franchise contract for an Italian brand. The consultancy of Salvo Spagna has allowed to favorably review the contract proposed by the franchisor, eliminating the unfair terms and inserting protection clauses. For example, if the franchisee receives the goods late it may not be able to sell it advantageously because it is out of season. Ad hoc clauses are needed to defend the franchisee from such incidents.


Realization of ‘Italian Style’ apartments.

important builder had the problem of revitalizing a flat and not very lively real estate market for some of his properties. The solution proposed by Salvo Spagna was to create apartments with exclusive furnishings and finishes of Italian design. The design apartments helped generate a 14% increase in turnover in the first year, with an increase in the price per square meter of sales and an improvement in margins.

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