First Italian Luxury Advisor - Services offered to entrepreneurs, importers, exporters, producers, investors

Services for research, selection and enhancement of products of excellence in the world of Italian and European luxury for international markets. 

SALVO SPAGNA » Luxury advisor » Luxury Advisor – Offered services

Here are the Luxury Advising services offered and its network of specialized consultants, coordinated by Salvo Spagna:

> 1

Problem analysis.

Analysis of the commercial, legal and marketing problem, both from the international point of view and from the point of view of national and market peculiarities.

> 2

Commercial consultancy.

Advice for the definition of prices, sales strategies, commercial mark-up, product assortment, brand selection, assortment selection.

> 3

Presentation to the most reliable brands and suppliers.

Preparation and presentation at suppliers and intermediaries, with access to the most exclusive Italian brands, directly or indirectly.

> 4

Contract consultancy.

Assistance and consultancy for the definition of contracts, from the contractual draft, up to the definition of the indispensable exit clauses from contractual commitments.

> 5

Licensing consultancy.

Research of Italian brands suitable for a licensed production, solution of commercial and contractual problems, quality terms, approvals, constraints, commercial clauses. Consultancy for the production of licensed clothing, accessories and promotional items

> 6

Franchising consultancy.

Search for brands and Italian products that can be marketed in franchising. Solution of commercial and contractual problems, highlighting of any legal traps or commercial blind alleys, problems to avoid and effective solutions.

> 7

Legal, bureaucratic and customs consultancy.

Assistance, advice, solution and prevention of customs, bureaucratic, administrative and legal problems.

> 8

Assistance for accompanying documentation.

Assistance in the production of legal documentation for customs transit and accompanying goods, technical expertize, documentation of originality, quality documentation

> 9

Commercial intermediation.

All commercial brokerage activities for third parties, and negotiation assistance.

> 10

Negotiation strategy.

Advice for setting up commercial negotiations with suppliers, intermediaries and wholesalers.

> 11

Brands research.

Research and selection of the most suitable brands for the various commercial activities, considering also the specificities of the local, national and international market.

> 12

Suppliers, distributors and wholesalers research.

Research of the most suitable suppliers, distributors and wholesalers for the specific commercial strategy.

> 13

Originality check.

Products, materials, accessories and trademarks originality check with the possible production of technical reports and legal documentation.

> 14

Originality expertise.

Legal and originality expertise with certification of the quality of materials, products, accessories and trademarks.

> 15

Assistance for disputes.

Strategic and legal assistance for the resolution of disputes.

> 16

Prices and costs consistency check.

Verification of the congruence of prices and proposed costs with definition of the best purchasing strategy.

> 17

Commercial opportunities research

Purchase opportunities research: end of series, special productions, end of production, liquidations, bankruptcies, commercial restructuring, end of season.

> 18

Agents and buyers training.

Training for commercial agents and professional buyers.

> 19

Creating and implementing buying office.

Assistance for the creation and start-up of dedicated buying offices in Italy. Buying office service for those cases where an office is not useful or profitable for the customer.

> 20

Support for buyers and buying offices.

Customer reception services, goods receiving, buying office support services located in Italy or outside Italy that need operational support.

> 21

Sales staff training.

Training for sales staff, sales management and sales assistants.

> 22

Designer furniture for stores and apartments.

Realization of Italian Style and European Design furnishings for apartments, guest rooms, retail outlets.

> 23

Real estate consultancy.

Research and optimization of land and buildings, including design, construction and renovation.

> 24

Study and realization of Made in Italy luxury apartments.

First level research, renovation, furnishing and customization of apartments with Italian architects, studios and points of sale ‘Italian Style’ and ‘European Style’, with designer furnishings, for investment, representation, corporate and private use.

> 25

High traffic tourist spots consultancy.

Research, development and enhancement of tourist areas with high commercial and tourist traffic.

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Do you want to evaluate the potential of a work of art?

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1 hour: €990
Skype Consultation

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1 ora: €990
Consulenza tramite Skype

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Do you have an immediate problem?

Do you want to evaluate the potential of a work of art?

CINA Buy now an hour of advice. You will then decide whether to buy a complete package. 
1 hour: €990
Skype Consultation

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